Roland's Mailbox
Roland, is Santa's Take for adults or kids? Mary
Mary, Santa's Take is for adults. It has been scientifically designed to be easy to read (like Jonathan Livingston Seagull or The Little Prince). That's why it is in the form of a story.
However . . . . . . one mom recently commented that the book is kid friendly. The layout and the large type make it ideal for kids to read. Most 10 years olds can read it no problem. If a child has his own copy of the book, he or she can literally help mom or dad.
The child will also feel like he is a part of the process. I do recommend print edition (rather than eBook) for kids, of course.
Roland, why did you choose Santa as the main character?
Rich, I don't really know. Intuition, inspiration. Not sure. All I know is that it's a book most people want to read over and over. Thus it makes an effective teaching tool.
Roland, do you answer parenting questions?
Robin, yes I do.
Roland, just for fun and since I'm a kid at heart, can you ask Santa a parenting question for me? Wanda
Wanda, it all depends on Santa. I'll ask him.
Roland, what if a kid or teen doesn't like high fives or hugs, then what? Mary
Mary, light-hearted good natured fun and a spirit of problem solving are what are important. The little technical things can be modified as you and your child wishes.
Most little kids like hugs, but some don't. Many teens don't want to be hugged, but some do. High fives can be modified to just extending your hand palm up maybe waist high.
If none of the above seem appropriate, then how about a thumbs up.
Mrs. Claus says in one family, they don't high five or anything. Either parent or child says "I move that the meeting be adjourned." The other says "I second the motion." "Meeting adjourned."
I asked Santa about fist bumps. He says he doesn't use them. A very, very gentle one between parent and child might be okay, but Santa is concerned that if two kids do a fist bump, it could be done too hard. Santa recommends avoiding them.
Roland, is your book just for Christmas? Ron
Ron, it's for anytime. Of course, Christmas is a big part of the story because Santa and Mrs. Claus are in it. But just as you can read a book about golf or water skiing in the winter even though golf or water skiing are summer sports, someone can read Santa's Take in the summer to improve their parenting.